Magazine » Health » 6 Ways To Self-Isolate In A Shared House

6 Ways To Self-Isolate In A Shared House

6 Ways To Self-Isolate In A Shared House

Whether you are sharing a house or staying as a paying guest with roommates, it is very likely catch infection when you live under same roof. Especially during this quarantine period, one must self-isolate themselves to prevent infection.
Here’s what we all can do.

1.Avoid Physical Contact

Avoid Contact
When you share a house with someone, make sure there is minimal physical contact involved unless there’s an essential need. Yes, six-foot rule applies to your home as well.

2. No sharing

No Sharing
Make sure you don’t share your towels, clothes, eating utensils, beds, bed sheets etc. Sharing your stuff might transmit infection. It is best to confine to your own personal space to ensure you stay healthy.

3.Maintain Hygiene

Maintain Hygiene

Ensuring cleanliness is foremost important to consider when one is self-isolating. Make sure you clean your room and maintain hygiene. Keep washing your hands and use sanitizers when necessary. This will help you to live in a healthy environment. A lot of us our guilty of not taking showers every day since we’re all under this lockdown. But you my friend need to understand it’s very important to take a bath every single day.

4. No Guests

no vistor - make something similar
Self-isolation directly implies no vistors. So request your flatmates to stop inviting visitors over to your place so that you all can stay safe at home. They may be your friends or family but it is essential for you to stay indoors and with lesser number of people around you. Make sure your house is under lockdown for every outsider.

5. Say No To House Help

No to house helper
Although the entire country is on lockdown, a couple of people still have their cooks and maids coming over to help them with their daily chores. But when the need of the hour demands a lockdown, it’s applicable to each citizen of the nation. Ask your helper to stay quarantined, educate them on the seriousness of this lockdown and its consequences. A humble request, please do not deduct their salaries. This is the bare minimum we can do to help others around us.

6. Don’t Order, Cook Yourself

cook yourself
While everything is shut, we still have a few restaurants delivering since food is a basic necessity. But let’s not take that for granted, especially when we have all the time in the world to cook or learn how to cook. The guys delivery the food are also risking their health for each order you place. So let’s spare them the horror and cook at home. This way you might learn some new recipes and if not that, then at least you’ll be sure you’re eating safe home-cooked food.



Content Writer at Clovia
Always filled with flawless stories and positive emotions, Vyshnavi is an adventurous kind. She is always fascinated by the fashion & beauty that positively impact the lives of millions. She loves to explore and educate women about lingerie and its role in their lives.


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