Magazine » Lingerie 101 » 7 Things I Didn’t Know About Lingerie Before Joining a Lingerie Brand

7 Things I Didn’t Know About Lingerie Before Joining a Lingerie Brand

lingerie brand

I always thought lingerie was JUST about lace, bows, and spicy date nights, but honey, I was sooooo wrong. Here are 7 things that I didn’t know about lingerie before I started working here at Clovia. From GRANNY PANTIES (it’s not what you’re thinking), to minimizer bras (I’ve never ever heard of this), the boob booster (Push-up bras), Tanga (G-string) and whatnot! For me, it was like – one day I was casually buying bras like a normal girlie, and the other day, I was learning about underwires, full-coverage, full-figure and different cup shapes (demi, full-cup). And the 7th pointer of this blog is unbelievable!!!!!! Trust me, you need to keep scrolling for the 7th one.

1. “Granny Panties” are NOT for Your Granny

What you see below isn’t a granny panty! I used to think it was something you only wear when you turn 85 or grandma’s panties. But I was SO wronggggg. “Granny panty” is just a fancy term for the high-waist hipster panty. Yeah….the hero of the panty world. It’s the one that doesn’t ride up, gives you zero wedgies, and is just there for you, supporting you all day long.

granny panties

2. Lingerie isn’t Just for “Spicy Date Nights” — It Has a Full-Time Job

Okay, I’ll admit it, whenever I thought of lingerie, my mind immediately went to spicy date nights and honeymoons. Then I joined Clovia and realized lingerie has a full-time job. It’s the first thing you put on when you get dressed and the last thing you take off before bed. It’s the only thing in girls’ lives that sticks with us through thick and thin. You wear it to feel empowered, not just to feel sexy. So, it’s more than just pretty lace and bows.

spicy date night lingerie

3. Wait, There are THAT Many Types of Lingerie

I thought the world of bras was as simple as: lace bras, sports bras, and our regular bras (which are technically called T-shirt bras). But OH NO, I was living under a rock. There are SO many types of bras. Plunge, balconette, minimizer, cage, seamless bras, and whatnot. And guess what? Each one has a purpose that does different things.

4. Wearing the WRONG SIZE Bra My Whole Life

Once I ordered two bras that I thought were of my size (they were, in my head) and when they arrived, I was doing a happy dance. Then I put them on… and felt like I was suffocating. I literally thought I had gained 10 kilos overnight. I was like, “Am I really that chubby now?” Fast forward to my new life in Clovia. Only here I realized that I was wearing the wrong size all my life and that was the only cause of my constant back pain, red marks and all.

Bra Size

5. Cotton is Just the Beginning…

I was a cotton-only kinda girl, but I had no clue what I was missing. Here, I got to know about exquisite lace, soft spandex, and all-weather polyamide fabrics. They’re actually comfortable, soft, and stretchy, and they hug you in all the right places. Now I’m out here living my best life, all thanks to fabric that actually feels luxurious.

6. You Can Actually Wear a Bra to a Party

As you browse through all the sexy and stunning designs, you start wondering if you could style a bralette under your blazer for a fine dine-out or style a lace bra as a crop top for brunch. 100% YES. The possibilities are endless, and trust me, you’ll be getting compliments left and right. So, go ahead—wear that bralette with confidence and call it an outfit.

7. Now, let me tell you about the real surprise

The deals. I had NO idea lingerie could be this affordable yet stylish. 3 stunning bras for ₹1099 ONLY, comfy everyday bras for ₹899, and 4 panties for ₹599.

Your Turn: What Lingerie Truths Blew Your Mind?

Okay, I’ve spilt my secrets, now it’s your turn! What lingerie facts did you not know that made you go “Wait, WHAT?” Drop your stories below and let’s all have a good laugh.

Rani Kumari

Rani Kumari

Content Writer at Clovia
While the topic of periods & lingerie is typically spoken of in hushed tones, Rani talks about relatable lingerie challenges & solutions in a fun, quirky way. With good years of experience and her deep interest in lingerie and women’s hygiene always drives her to write about these topics & empower uninformed women. When she’s not writing, she’s probably on the lookout for some great INSIGHTS & amusing anecdotes to include in her work.
Rani Kumari


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