Spaghetti tops, slip dresses and sheer shirts – the heroes of every girl’s summer story. Isn’t it? but picking the right bras with these summer outfits is a different story altogether. The very thought of hues, flowy silhouettes and light fabrics instantly brings a soothing summer-like vibe. Getting inspired by the same, we at Clovia …

Ladies, are you surprised by the fact that there is a proper guide to wear a bra? Well, it does exist. There are a couple of things that can possibly go wrong when wearing a bra even when you shop for the correct size. How to wear a bra properly is a technique that very …
Continue reading “How to Wear a Bra Correctly: Beginners Step-By-Step Guide”

Lingerie is something that women often pick based on occasion, outfit and mood. Wedding being the most special occasion for a woman deserves the best of bridal outfits, jewellery, shoes and of course lingerie! But when it comes to shopping for lingerie for your own wedding you are pretty likely to get baffled with the …
Continue reading “Bridal Lingerie for your Big Day- Sisterly Advice”

A beach holiday can never be complete without a sexy swimwear. Isn’t it? Swimwears are a must-have for any beach trip. And if you are reading this blog, there are high chances that you want to wear a swimwear but you aren’t very comfortable with it yet. Now don’t tell us that you’re waiting for …

The very first to go on and the last to come off, yes honey it’s your lingerie we are talking about. Your bra is the very foundation of your entire outfit. The right or wrong bra can make or break your entire look. You will be amazed to know that to date 80% of women …
Continue reading “The Ultimate Guide to Buying, Wearing & Caring for Bras”

While growing up they told you to stay patient but now when you’re in your mid 20’s your life seems to be a lie. You’ve waited long, long enough and stared down your chest hoping for a miracle. But life is hard and when life gives you lemons you can’t really do much or can …
Continue reading “13 Struggles Only Women with Small Breasts Understand”

Halloween definitely calls for a party and what better plan to have your friends come over for a slumber party. Halloween parties seem incomplete without two things; first the spooky make-up and second a cute yet scary outfit! We are here to take care of your Halloween outfit while you look super glam in your …

If love is blind, why is lingerie so popular? Little do they know, these tiny little pieces of lingerie are not less than any firework. From boosting your confidence to enhancing your mood. A good set of lingerie makes you look good on the outside and feel great on the inside. Well, there’s a lot, …

The cutest Japanese pop culture icon “The Hello Kitty” is now a part of the Clovia Dream Team. Loved by kids, teens and young adults, the popularity needs no introduction. If you’re a Hello Kitty fan too and can’t resist owning cute stuff then I’ve got something for you! CUTEST NOSTALGIA Reminding me of my …

बेस्ट ब्रा में इन्वेस्ट करना हर महिला के लिए जरूरी होता है क्योंकि सही ब्रा पहनने से आप आत्मविश्वास से भरी और कम्फर्टेबल महसूस कर सकती हैं। आपके पास आपकी पसंदीदा ब्रा हो सकती है लेकिन विभिन्न प्रकार के आउटफिट्स के साथ जाने वाली ब्रा के प्रकारों को जानना आपके लिए महत्वपूर्ण है। यदि आप …

ज्यादातर महिलाओं का कनेक्शन ब्रा के साथ होता हैं। इससे कोई फर्क नहीं पड़ता कि आप उनके चुभने और कसने से कितनी नफरत करती है , आप बस सपोर्ट के बिना कोई कार्य नहीं कर सकती है। अच्छी बात ये है कि एक बार जब आप ये जान लेती है कि कौन सा स्टाइल, आकार …

If you were to ask me, what’s that one favourite thing in my closet, I would say a bra. While for most of you, it could be a pair of well-fitted jeans or a comfy dress, you might ask me why a bra? Allow me to explain. Bras (and briefs) are the closest piece of …
Continue reading “Top 4 Reasons to Say Goodbye to Your Old Bras”

I’m so glad that off-late more and more women have started to realize the importance of skincare and are now making thoughtful decisions while picking the right skin care products. Having said that, I believe moisturizing the skin is still underrated. A moisturized skin looks healthier and has a natural glow to it. Body butters, …
Continue reading “Body Butter, Body Lotion & Body Cream- What’s the Difference?”

A lot of new moms might expect breastfeeding to be a very easy and natural process, but to your surprise, it’s not! Breastfeeding is a very emotional feeling and comes with as a roller coaster ride. While as a new mom your hormones might rush you with the motherhood feeling where you feel all protected …
Continue reading “Ways to Relieve Itchy Breasts/ Nipples during Pre & Post Pregnancy”

That time of the year has arrived when every house is seen shining like stars—yes, it’s Diwali time! Dazzling diyas, lights, yumilicious sweets, and beautiful rangolis heartfully decorated to welcome Maa Laxmi. We know it’s that time of the year you eagerly wait for but there’s one more thing you can’t wait for: OUTFIT and …
Continue reading “Festive Fashion: These Lingerie Styles Will Make Your Diwali OOTD Stress-Free”