Magazine » Activewear » Best Indoor Workouts for Summer & Correct Activewear for Them

Best Indoor Workouts for Summer & Correct Activewear for Them

Summer workouts are a great way to get rid of those extra pounds that you gained during the long months of winter. But before you step out, remember that the hot sun can take a toll on your body. So instead, it’s better to indulge in some indoor exercises to avoid sunstroke or getting dehydrated.

The most powerful and effective indoor workouts contain a variety of aerobic, strength training, stretching exercises, and balance training. It isn’t important to include every type of exercise in each workout; however, one should make sure that your overall fitness plan includes a balance of every type of exercise.

1. Spot jogging:

We already know that jogging is one of the most efficient exercises one can do. However, it is not mandatory to go outside to jog. Spot jogging is a perfect pre-workout exercise as it warms up the whole body to carry out the rest of the routine without posing any threat to your muscles. All you have to do is lift your knees and move them back to the ground. You should also move your hands in the same manner as you do while jogging or running outside. It looks exactly like you are jogging but you don’t have to move from your spot.  

How many calories can you burn?

If you do this exercise properly for 30 minutes, you will burn around  230 calories. 

2. Skipping:

A cardio workout is an essential part of any workout routine and it’s also effective in boosting your mood and energy. One of the ideal cardio exercises that you can consider for improving cardio-respiratory fitness and flexibility is skipping. Skipping is one of the most powerful high-impact exercises that strengthen your bones. In addition to that, skipping also helps in reducing fat from your hips, thighs, and sides.

How many calories can you burn from skipping?

If you skip for an hour, you will burn approximately 550 calories. But make sure you do it for an hour with breaks. Don’t rush into doing it for one hour straight. That’s impossible if you are a beginner and it might affect your health as well. 

3. Strength training:

Strength training is crucial in managing or losing weight. It also increases your metabolism which will indeed burn more calories. All you have to do is invest in some dumbbells. The weight of the dumbbells should be the same or slightly higher than what you have been lifting at the gym.

Few strength training exercises with dumbbells are:

  1. Bench Press.
  2. Bicep Curl. 
  3. Shoulder Press.
  4. Bent-Over Row.
  5. One Arm Swing.
  6. Calf Raise.
  7. Triceps Kickback.

Few strength training exercises without dumbbells or any other equipment include:

Set 1: This set consists of Bodyweight squats, Push-Ups and Mountain Climbers.

Do each of the exercises for one minute. Beginners can take breaks.

Set 2: This set consists of Plank, Bodyweight Split Squat and Single-Leg Hip Raise

Take a minute break after the first set of exercises and get ready for set two.

Set 3: This set consists of Burpee With Push-Up, Single-Leg Toe Touches and Leg Raises

You’re done. Take a minute break after the second set. Then start the third set, performing each exercise for one minute each.

How many calories can you burn?

Every hour of strength training done perfectly will help you burn 200-250 calories.

4. Yoga:

Yoga is a spiritual form of exercise that helps in connecting your body, mind, and spirit. In addition to giving you a better understanding of your body, it also improves your flexibility and provides peace of mind.

To perform a powerful and intense workout you need the right activewear as well. Not only outerwear, but innerwear also plays a crucial part while working out. Here are some must-have activewear styles for any kind of workout. 

  • Tights:

Tights support and stabilise the muscles while training and also absorb some of the strain when you squeeze your muscles. They increase blood flow and muscle oxygenation which further helps in speeding up the muscle repair process and in reducing muscle fatigue after workouts. They also allow you to move freely without any restrictions.

Following are a few best tights from our activewear collection to support you during your workouts:

  • Tank Tops:

The benefits of a tank top are numerous. Few of them include comfort, sweat management, and confidence boost. Perspiration and sweat on your body can be a distraction if not taken care of. Especially during summer, tank tops become a necessity as they increase ventilation and can significantly improve the comfort level. Hence, it is recommended to wear tank tops during your workout sessions. 

Following are a few best tank tops from our activewear collection that you can put on to maximise comfort during your workouts:

  • Sports bra:

It is important to understand that a sports bra is not an accessory, it is a necessity for any physical exercise, be it cardio exercises or yoga sessions. Continuous and repetitive movements can result in soreness and pain in the breasts. Sports bras are designed to reduce this movement and also prevent your breasts from sagging. 

Following are a few sports bras from our collection to provide you maximum coverage and utmost support:

Clovia has an amazing activewear collection that includes tights, tank tops, shorts, sports bras, t-shirts, joggers, and a lot more. The best part? They are made from moisture-wicking fabric that absorbs sweat and keeps you comfortable throughout your workout session. Go check out our activewear collection and burn all those extra calories! 



Content Writer at Clovia
Filled with thoughts and emotions, Mahigna is a fun kind who wants to tell adventures and fascinating stories to the world. She is obsessed with fashion, lifestyle and lingerie hacks that change women's life in a better way. She likes to scatter her knowledge about fashion and lingerie like confetti.


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