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Brilliant Household Hacks For All Those Sold-Out Quarantine Supplies

Many stores and restaurants are shut due to this lockdown and I am sure most of us are running out of supplies. So, whether you ran out of disinfecting wipes or didn’t buy enough hand sanitizer, you don’t have to worry we have got you covered! Here are some brilliant household hacks for all your sold-out quarantine supplies.

1. Alcohol

Rubbing Alcohol

We are definitely not talking about the one you are thinking, although that might also help you in this hard time. We are talking about rubbing alcohol, from cleaning cuts to fighting your acne this has covered it all. Mixing rubbing alcohol with equal amounts of water gives you a new skincare routine. Beyond cleaning stuff, it can also be combined with aloe vera gel to make hand sanitiser all by yourself, right at home! But make sure that you use rubbing alcohol that is 99% alcohol in order for your sanitizer to be truly effective.

2. Lemons and limes

Limes & Lemons

When life gives you lemons, use them in everything! If you have lemon and limes at your home, you have nothing to worry about, they are substitutes for a variety of DIY home products. Lime, when mixed with baking soda, can be used as your personal deodorant, it is also used as a natural preservative for foods. Lemon mixed with sea salt can do wonders, it works great as a natural abrasive cleaning agent.

3. Baking soda

Baking Powder

If you think this little power is only useful for baking muffins, then this is gonna blow your mind. Baking soda, which is also known as sodium bicarbonate can be used as much more than the name would suggest. The combination of baking soda and vinegar works wonders to clean drains. Soaking fruits and veggies in baking soda wash is also a most effective way to remove pesticides. If you are running out of dish soap, dissolve 2 or 3 teaspoons of baking soda in 2 cups of warm water and your dish soap is ready.

4. Vinegar


Just like baking soda, vinegar is one of those awesome ingredients that can be used for a lot of different things. It can be greatly used to clean bacteria-rich surfaces. A small amount of vinegar in warm water helps you get rid of disinfected surfaces. Although the smell might be unpleasant, but it will vanish in no time. It is a surprise to know that this is a great alternate for a lot of cleaning agents, you may want to use some vinegar to give the chopping board a nice scrub, this will prevent the bacteria spreading from chopping board to your meal.

5. Olive oil

Olive Oil

You won’t be surprised if I say that this natural moisturiser is a great alternative of a handful of skin products. But it might interest you just how many skin creams, makeup remover, lip balm and even shaving cream have this powerful natural oil as one of the main ingredients. You can use olive oil as a shaving cream, it is so gentle on the skin and actually moisturises your skin so well. It is a great hack when it comes to a skincare routine. You can apply it for your face and body for nourishment.

Hope these hacks will help you survive the lockdown.



Content Writer at Clovia
Always filled with flawless stories and positive emotions, Vyshnavi is an adventurous kind. She is always fascinated by the fashion & beauty that positively impact the lives of millions. She loves to explore and educate women about lingerie and its role in their lives.


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