Magazine » Clovia Buzz » Embrace The Glorious Mess That We Are! Happy Women’s Day

Embrace The Glorious Mess That We Are! Happy Women’s Day

Whoever coined the phrase, “the perfect woman” was either mad or stoned. A perfect woman? What does it mean? Decked up with well-mannered style, and prim and proper all the time? Bleh! We spill our soups and do things that we regret or….maybe not. Perfection runs in imperfection. And with us what you see is not always what it is. Happy Women’s Day to all the imperfectly perfect women.

See? Was I wrong?
All these small things make us the women we are. So let’s embrace the glorious mess that we are.
And yes…Happy Women’s Day!
PS: All these incidences actually transpired with the women working at Clovia!

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