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How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

How to Get Rid of Stretch Marks?

What is a stretch mark precisely?

Nobody likes stretch marks, everyone wants to get rid of them. So, before diving into the aspect of ‘How to get rid of stretch marks,’ let’s take a quick glance at what a stretch mark exactly is? A stretch mark is a kind of scar that occurs when your skin stretches or shrinks quickly. The quick-change ruptures the collagen and elastin that support your skin. As the skin heals, stretch marks may emerge.

Note: These narrow bands don’t develop on everyone’s skin.

Fluctuating hormone levels also play a role. It may also be genetic. It is most likely that you develop stretch marks during these times:

● Pregnancy
● Growth surges that happen in puberty
● Rapid weight loss or gain
● Weight training

Stretch marks can also be caused by applying a corticosteroid to your skin for a long time. One may also see stretch marks if they have Cushing’s disease or Marfan syndrome. When stretch marks first appear (depending on your skin color), they tend to be red, purple, pink, reddish-brown, or dark brown. Early stretch marks may feel a bit raised and can be itchy. With time, the color of the stretch mark fades, and the narrow bands sink beneath your skin. You may feel a slight depression if you run your finger over a mature stretch mark.

What can get rid of stretch marks?

Like any scar, stretch marks are permanent. However, treatment may make them less noticeable. Treatment can also help mitigate the itch. If a woman is pregnant or breastfeeding, she should consult with her doctor before treating stretch marks. This is because some products contain ingredients, such as retinol, that can harm the baby. It is also essential to understand that no single treatment works for everyone, and a lot of products don’t seem to work at all.

Stretch mark creams, lotions, and gels

Clovia-Botaniqa-No-Stretch-Marks-Oil-13-in-1-FormulationResearchers have studied many lotions, creams, and gels sold to treat stretch marks. While no one product seems to help all of the time — and some don’t seem to support it at all. However, some products help in reducing scars & stretch marks, like Clovia Botaniqa No Stretch Marks 13-in-1 Natural Oil. This product is entirely natural with no toxins, sulfates, or paraben. This stretch mark oil is enriched with 13 essential oils that help reduce scars and stretch marks. So worry no more and rejuvenate your skin like never before!

Some researchers have also discovered some hacks that have been proven helpful. Home remedies: According to many studies, popular home remedies have not worked. According to the researchers, none of the stretch marks actually faded when people massaged almond oil, cocoa butter, olive oil, or vitamin E into their stretch marks.

If one wants to try some creams, lotions, or gels to fade stretch marks, he/she should be sure to:

● Use the product on early stretch marks. Treatment seems to have less/no effect on mature stretch marks.
● Take proper time to massage the product into your stretch marks. Massaging the product gently into your skin may make it more effective.
● Apply the product for weeks- EVERY DAY. If the results are visible, they take weeks to appear.

Can anything prevent stretch marks?

An old saying- Precaution is better than cure! But taking some precautions is in our hands? Researchers have found out that many remedies said to prevent stretch marks don’t actually work. According to many studies, neither cocoa butter, almond oil, olive oil, nor vitamin E prevented stretch marks.
However, other ingredients may work. Researchers have found that products comprising ‘Centella’ or ‘Hyaluronic acid’ may help prevent stretch marks. Centella is a herb, and our skin contains hyaluronic acid naturally.

When to seek a dermatologist’s expertise

Stretch mark treatments that you can buy at a store or online may be expensive. Seeing a board-certified dermatologist can help; if you find yourself spending a lot of time and money without getting any results. Dermatologists can also suggest any new product or process that may help. Also, there are some pocket-friendly products out there in the market that help tremendously.

Ranita Mukherjee

Ranita Mukherjee

Content Writer at Clovia
Ranita Mukherjee holds a degree in Engineering but her passion for writing encouraged her to take shelter in the world of words. She is more passionate about beauty & fashion and loves to explore the lingerie world. She believes that wearing the right lingerie, and having knowledge about itcan really empower a woman.
Ranita Mukherjee


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