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How Well Do You Know Your Panties?

You generally have particular dresses, shoes and bags for every occasion, right? So why leave undies behind? After all, they are an essential part of your wardrobe.

But with a wide variety of styles and cuts out there you are bound to be confused. But worry not we at Clovia are here to help you explain the difference and features of various styles.


A thong is a garment which is generally worn as either underwear or swimsuit. From front a thong looks like a bikini bottom, but at the back the material is reduced to bare minimum. Thongs are generally designed to cover genital area and leave the buttocks uncovered. At the back the garment generally comprises a thin waistband along with thin strip of material, which is meant to worn between the buttocks.


While G-string and thongs are synonymous to each other and G-string is a variety of thong however, there’s a small difference between the two. While from the front it’s hard to spot the difference but, from back one can easily differentiate between them. G-string is similar to thong but the strip in the back of a G-string is skimpier and is extremely thin. It is supposed to reveal more than the thong.



This sexy ladies underwear type looks like a bikini in the front, and is little similar to a thong in the back. The main difference being the strap in the back, which is much wider and covers more of your butt area than G-string and thong. Typically, these types of briefs cover front and back with triangular pieces of fabric.


Difference between Hipsters, Boyshorts and Bikini styles


These panties are styled after men’s brief and are designed to cover maximum area. These types of panties have leg openings that extend a few inches below the widest part of the hip, or just above the mid-thigh. It has garnered a lot of popularity nowadays as it eliminates visible panty lines.


Hipster panties have the same low-rise waistline as boy shorts, but the difference lies in leg openings which are well above the thighs. It helps in preventing uncomfortable ride-up that some women might experience while wearing longer-cut boy shorts. Although hipsters are considered as full-coverage style, there are some designs in which the cut is higher in the rear than classic boy shorts or briefs.

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Bikini is designed to provide full coverage in the back and have leg openings that are cut above the thigh. It is more revealing than hipsters and boy shorts, as the fabric of the side sections is narrower.

With such a detailed discussion on the various types of panties, you must have understood by now, that each type serves its own purpose and can be chosen as per your preference.


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