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Push-Up Bra: All Myths Busted!

When you start considering your bra as your good friend then you know that you have got the right one. No one better to fit this role than a push-up bra! It not only supports you unconditionally but also helps in uplifting your spirits. But, when it comes to push-ups, there are many myths that tend to make you apprehensive of buying a push-up bra online.

Read on to know the truths behind these myths.

Myth 1: Apt Only for Small-Chested Women

A big misconception with a capital M! Well, to be precise, a small-chested woman needs a bra that helps in giving form to the bust area. Hence, it is not necessary all small-chested women will go for this type of bra. Heavy-chested women can also don a push up as this will give them the much-needed support and lift. It’s also the perfect companion for your party wear necks, on days you need that extra oomph!

Myth 2: Should be Worn Only on Special Occasions

Well, ladies, my question to you is when are you going to consider yourself special? Why wait for that special occasion, when you can have one now? If you include a push up in your daily wear then, it will not only boost your bosom but will also render confidence in your look. Always remember, if you think you can carry off a push-up bra with any of the outfits you wear then, definitely you can. Half the time, women shy away from wearing this type of lingerie regularly as they lack the confidence to carry it off.

[Read: Yes Push-Up Bras Look Awesome! But Can They Be Worn Daily? ]

Myth 3: All are Same, Hence Provide an Unnatural Effect

A common myth, but not true obviously. This type of sexy bra comes with different kinds of padding, the degree of padding, the material used and strap alignment differs from one to another. Hence, a push-up padded bra will be different from a normal push-up as this may only have small or light padding on the base to create a push effect.

Now, that you are aware of the common myths attached to this kind of bra, I believe it will be easier for you to find a push-up bra online for yourself. Indulge in push up bra online shopping and let your confidence speak for you!

Happy hunting!


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