Magazine » Lingerie 101 » Shapewear » Saree Shapewear Vs. Traditional Petticoat – Know The Difference

Saree Shapewear Vs. Traditional Petticoat – Know The Difference

Saree Shapewear Vs. Traditional Petticoat - Know The Difference

Saree is one wonderful ethnic outfit that truly accentuates a women’s figure. However, women always wish to look a size slimmer and those traditional cotton petticoats end up making us look bigger. The question arises on how to look slimmer in sarees. Well, a saree shapewear can take care of that. If you’re thinking of trying the trend of giving a twist to your saree look, you definitely have to think of buying something other than your regular petticoat. Now that sarees are available with pre-made pleats and ruffles, think of it, you need something else than your regular cotton petticoats. All these years you just knew about the regular saree petticoats, right? But now, check out Clovia’s range of saree shapewear and you’ll be amazed to know what all it has got to offer you.

saree shapewearOkay if you wondering what a saree shapewear is here’s the answer:
A saree shapewear is strategically designed to compliment your figure under sarees and give you a mermaid-like shape. This skirt-like design makes it very easy to wear and makes you look slimmer and toned. One has to simply slip into it and woo! you look completely flawless. This is the easiest way to look slim in a saree.

saree shapewearCompared to the old petticoat, the saree shapewear is completely seamless, pleat-free, and has no drawstrings. This figure-hugging underskirt gives you that desirable mermaid-like shape. Your regular petticoat strings bunch-up at your tummy and ruin your shape. There is no chance of that happening with this saree shapewear as it is designed with a thick seamless waistband instead of strings. This waistband keeps your tummy area looking flawless and holds your saree in place for long hours without chafing.

Gained a few pounds? Worried about how you may look in a saree? Don’t worry as this saree shapewear has got your back. You can now go down a few inches with the Saree Shapewear within minutes. This amazing piece of fabric tucks in your tummy and perks up your rear.

Most of the women avoid wearing sarees because petticoats are a pain to wear as it has drawstrings and so it becomes hard to move around. The Saree Shapewear fixes all that. It is super comfortable to wear as it is made from soft fabric and its side slit design makes it easy to move around. And the elastic waistband causes no pain at all!

And with a saree shapewear you don’t have to run to the tailor to get the perfect fit. Slim or curvy, the saree shapewear will fit all sizes.

Ladies, the Saree Shapewear is clearly better than the plain old petticoat. Upgrade to this amazing saree shapewear and enjoy your parties in a saree without any hassle.
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Content Writer at Clovia
Filled with thoughts and emotions, Mahigna is a fun kind who wants to tell adventures and fascinating stories to the world. She is obsessed with fashion, lifestyle and lingerie hacks that change women's life in a better way. She likes to scatter her knowledge about fashion and lingerie like confetti.


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