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The SHOW Must Go On!

Celebs show it. Style divas flaunt it. The page 3 types pride themselves in displaying it. No it’s not the latest model of Ferrari I’m going on about here ladies, it’s the strap of your bra. The Public Display of Bra or PDB as the annotation hungry texting gen may refer to it. The debate here is whether it’s a fashion faux pas or a fashion statement? Is it an oops! moment? or is it placed out there to constantly attract your gaze, attention and of course make you a topic of constant conversation? “Pssst! Did you see the color she was wearing?” or “How could she do mismatch straps with that dress?” are comments that are likely to swirl around you while you bask in the pretend innocence of –“ is it my lingerie that’s got all those tongues wagging”. Well as any dishonest scribe will tell you its way better to be talked about behind your strap showing back than to be passed over like a plate of unsavory canapés.
I don’t want to sound like the conservational voice of the prude brood but, darlings, I got a few tips from Mom when I first slipped on my B cups. “It’s an undergarment, girl” she said “and you’re meant to keep it under wraps”. The repeat value of the word “under” was not lost on me. All thru school and college my underthings were tucked primly away from eyes of the scandal starved populace (pun kind of intended). Now imagine my shock and of course awe when I first waltzed into an office party straight out of office, where PDB was the norm. I had to beat a hasty retreat pleading I had no time to change.

Flitting from one soiree to the next I discovered Mom was right but the world had gone left. Here it was survival of the flashiest. Women, and I use the word in the loosest sense here, of all age, size and demographic segment have taken to the party circuit with unparalleled strap displaying zeal. The braver ones have gone a step further. Offices of advertising agencies, PR firms, News channels, BPOs, Consultancy outfits and others of their ilk have seen a wave of PDBs as well. I’m sure it goes a long way in livening up the place and distracting the boss from the deadline that’s just been casually missed for the umpteenth time. There’s no arguing with the functionality of that, is there?
So what is one supposed to do? Well of you want the advice of a late convert then go invest in some keen bras. Head straight to and refurbish your drawer with undergarments that can stand up to public scrutiny. PDB or not to PDB is your choice. But PDB in the wrong bra is a boo boo we should all live to avoid.


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