You can return your order within 15 days of its delivery. Please follow these steps to return order:
You can return your order within 15 days of its delivery. Please follow these steps to cancel an order:
You can return your order within 15 days of its delivery. Please follow these steps to return order:
There are 3 reason due to which return option is not available on website/app:
We will send a confirmation email and SMS once your return order has been picked up and when it is received at our warehouse. In case of exchange request you are intimated again via SMS and email when new items are dispatched to you. In case of refund an email is sent when the refund is processed from our end. It may take up to 48 hours for it to reflect in your account.
Tax may vary depending on factors like the city where the order would be shipped to and price of products.
If any order is returned, the GST amount will be refunded. However, Shipping charges will be non-refundable.
If any order is cancelled before it is shipped, the GST amount and shipping charges will be refunded.
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